Welsh Labour to pay migrants £1600 a month & help them fight deportation

Asylum seekers arriving in Wales will get £1600 a month for nothing
Asylum seekers arriving in Wales will get £1600 a month for nothing

The Welsh Labour Government, backed by Plaid Cymru has confirmed is including migrants and asylum seekers in its Universal Basic Income payment.

This means that young men arriving from countries such as Albania and Egypt will be given £1600 a month tax free despite not being entitled to work in the UK or having to do any work in return for the payment.

Under the scheme the Welsh Government will also pay legal costs of those seeking to appeal deportation after being legally and rightfully refused asylum by the home office.

In the Send dismissed opposition to his plans as “political” but the wider public have also expressed dismay at his plans, particularly when the Welsh Government repeatedly blames Westminster for it not being to fund the NHS fully in Wales.

In the Send, Mark Drakeford said “Amongst them are a very small number of young people who are in the care of a local authority because they have come to Wales from some of the most war-torn places on the face of the planet. They arrive with nobody and with nothing. They are unaccompanied children.

They are looked after by our local authorities, and when they leave the care of the local authority, this is a Government…that wishes to see everything done to give those children the best possible start in life. That is what we are talking about: the future of vulnerable children. I have thought over 20 years that that was a shared ambition across this Chamber, and I hope it will continue to be so in the future.”

Of course these aren’t actually unaccompanied children, it is young men, most of which have been shown not to be fleeing “war-torn” place but in fact are simply economic migrants seeking exactly what the Welsh Government is now giving them.

At a time when we have a failing Health service which is underfunded by Welsh Labour, despite Labour claiming to be the defenders of the NHS!, an education pay rise that is funded, by schools themselves and a social care system that is leaving pensioners homeless and hungry its time for Mark Drakeford and his socialist chums to start putting Wales first.

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